
What You Need to Know About Ransomware

Written by Editorial Team | Jun 21, 2022 1:51:19 PM

As Americans, our civic duties include voting, sitting on juries, and paying taxes—but those aren't the only duties that promote American values. GroupSense CEO Kurtis Minder believes that cyber hygiene is your civic duty, too. Last weekend, Kurtis had the honor of presenting at TedX Grand Junction. During his talk, "What You Need to Know About Ransomware," Kurtis spoke about the actions we can all take to protect our nation and its critical infrastructure: small businesses.

GroupSense investigates threat actors every day and often negotiates ransomware payments on our clients' behalves. Throughout the engagements with threat actors, we've learned that most of the time, ransomware is preventable. Threat actors, though industrious, are always looking for the easy way in. That means repeatable TTPs (tactics, techniques, and procedures), including Phishing, Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), and exploit kits. Knowing the delivery methods of ransomware means we all have the ability to prevent attacks.

If threat actors are standing across the river from the rest of us with spears, we as Americans need to raise our shields. So what are they?

  • Implement an email and credential policy. Never use the same password twice. If your credentials are exposed in a data breach, reused passwords can be used to gain access to your other accounts.
  • Use a password manager. By using a password manager, you only know one master password. The manager will create unique and complex passwords stored inside the software. 
  • Enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) wherever possible. MFA uses a combination of things you have, like your cell phone and things you know, like a PIN or your first pet's name. MFA creates a more robust shield for bad actors to get into your account.
  • Patch and update your software as soon as updates are available. Threat actors share and sell software exploits to commonly used programs on the cyber underground. Updating your software reduces the risk of threat actors gaining access to your device through a back door.

Good cyber hygiene is patriotic. Join GroupSense in protecting our neighbors by implementing the tips above. Want more information on protecting your data? Download our tips below.