Monitoring deep, dark and surface web to detect exposure of your sensitive data, secret projects and initiatives, privileged users, critical systems, IT infrastructure, and more.
Monitoring and alerting of third party data breaches impacting your employees’ emails, usernames, and personally identifiable information.
Assess the risk footprint and security posture of key business relationships to get a handle on external risk introduced through your extended attack surface.

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Digital risk monitoring of key personnel with telemetry and risk metrics. VIPRecon provides broad coverage of social media, deep and dark web, as well as physical threat assessments.
Our Ransomware Response Readiness Assessment, Playbook and Table Top Exercise gives your organization the best chance to survive and recover.
Gain visibility of your digital footprint by reaching into the most active areas of the cyber underground.
Fully managed and tailored Threat Intelligence services that becomes an extension of your current security processes and provides real-time visibility on new threats.
Providing research and investigations into known threats, to save security teams time and stress during a cyber emergency.

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GroupSense offers a comprehensive package of services for assessing and responding to ransomware attacks, including negotiations with threat actors.
Actively researching and monitoring threats from vendors or third-party companies that can affect organizational security.
Monitoring for threats to elections, VIPs, and more on social media to proactively prevent or mitigate digital risk.
Focusing on the threats and risks that matter to your security processes and providing intelligence and insights to prevent or mitigate digital risk.
Taking the next step in security services, by proactively taking down phishing sites or anonymously interacting with threat actors to provide better intelligence.
Active monitoring of your brand's digital assets to protect its reputation and stop further brand abuse from targeting unsuspecting victims.

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Combining your cyber and fraud programs to effectively fight threat actors continually scamming or threatening assets within an organization.
Executives are prime targets for fraudulent activities, but with a proactive approach, any attacks or threats can be neutralized before causing any damage.
Governments, political parties and candidates must all act now to activate cyber threat intelligence services to harden their information security and get ahead of inevitable cyber threats to the election process.
4 min read

HUMINT: A Critical Component of Digital Risk

Sep 12, 2024 6:24:08 PM

Automation is a key tool in defending organizations from digital threats, but it has its limitations. Even with advanced technology, up to 80% of security alerts can still be false positives. This is where Human Intelligence (HUMINT) becomes essential in Digital Risk Protection Services (DRPS). HUMINT provides the context and insight that automated systems often miss, turning raw data into actionable intelligence. By combining automation with human expertise, DRPS can more effectively respond to current threats and stay ahead of evolving risks, creating a balanced and proactive approach to digital security.

Tip of the Spear, Infiltration

In order to deliver effective cyber threat intelligence and digital risk protection services, the solution provider must be monitoring and engaging in the areas where evidence of those threats most commonly surface. This requires the solution provider to effectively infiltrate and understand the context of these mediums. Espionage, while often leveraging software, is a human discipline. it requires knowledge about language, behaviors, egos, tribal conflicts, slang, contextual information about the surrounding political environments, etc. Leveraging this knowledge is a key HUMINT skill, and allows the DRPS solution provider to have a digital “ear to the ground” for their customers. 

Threat Actors (TA)s move their operations frequently. They disband and regroup. They rebrand or change avatars/personas. TAs engage in internal and external conflict. They are affected by the policies and political winds of their home countries. A practiced HUMINT operator can leverage all of these properties to gain effective and sometimes permanent footholds in to the TA community.

It is at the point of permanence, that a scalable DRPS provider employs technology and software to scale their espionage operations. 

Context and Interpretation


Automated tools excel at flagging potential risks based on predefined rules, but understanding the context behind these alerts requires Human Intelligence. For example, when dealing with exposed documents or credential exposures, an automated system might detect that sensitive information has been leaked, but HUMINT is necessary to evaluate the severity of the exposure and filter out any potential false positives. In cybersecurity, context is everything—without it, automated tools are often blind to the full scope of the threat.

Identifying Sophisticated Tactics


Cybercriminals are constantly evolving, using more sophisticated techniques to evade detection. For instance, phishing campaigns may use a combination of spoofed domains, artificial intelligence (AI), and social engineering to trick even the most well-guarded systems. HUMINT has the ability to detect these subtle tactics and understand the broader context of an attack.  Additionally, an analyst or researcher can engage directly with threat actors on the dark web, gaining valuable intelligence that automated systems would otherwise miss. The intelligence that is gathered through HUMINT is not always public. This intelligence can help organizations anticipate future attacks, understand the motivations behind specific actions, and even identify the actors behind the attacks in some cases.

Prioritizing Threats Effectively

Digital risk protection services often generate a flood of alerts, especially when monitoring for issues like domain squatting or phishing attempts. Not all alerts carry the same level of risk, and analysts are essential for determining which ones require immediate attention. For instance, when a very important personnel’s (VIP) personal identifiable information (PII) is exposed, human experts are required to assess whether the exposure is part of a larger targeted campaign, or whether it’s a low-level threat that can be deprioritized. This insight ensures that critical threats are handled with the urgency they deserve while reducing the noise created by less serious issues.

Pattern Recognition Beyond Automation

While automated systems are highly effective at recognizing certain patterns, they are often limited to what they have been trained on. Human analysts, on the other hand, are able to recognize more complex and evolving patterns of behavior. By looking at multiple data points and connecting the dots across various incidents, they can uncover larger trends that may have been overlooked. 

Adaptability to Emerging Threats

New tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) emerge regularly, and machines can only respond to these changes after they have been updated with new threat signatures or rules.
A HUMINT analyst can adapt in real-time by identifying emerging threats as they unfold, apply their knowledge of the threat landscape and respond quickly to new risks. In scenarios like dark web monitoring, where new underground forums and marketplaces constantly appear, HUMINT is essential for staying ahead of the curve.

Customized Responses to Complex Threats

Digital risks are often unique to each organization, meaning there’s no one size fits all solution. HUMINT is needed to craft responses that are tailored to the specific risks an organization faces. Automated systems might suggest general countermeasures, but only human experts can develop a response plan that fits the organization’s unique risk profile and business priorities.

The Gist. Find Real Threats, Avoid the BS


In our rapidly evolving cyber threat landscape, relying solely on automated systems is not enough to protect against complex digital risks. While automation excels at identifying potential threats, its limitations in context and adaptability highlight the importance of Human Intelligence. By combining automation with human expertise, organizations can filter out false positives, prioritize genuine threats, and adapt to new and emerging risks in real time. HUMINT provides the insight needed to understand the full scope of threats, allowing for more tailored and effective responses. Ultimately, the balance between machine-driven efficiency and human intuition creates a stronger, more proactive defense against the constantly shifting tactics of cybercriminals. 

Click Here to Talk to a GroupSense professional about how GroupSense HUMINT is driving meaningful Digital Risk outcomes for their commercial and government clients.


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Written by Editorial Team
